Temper measures how your customers feel about every aspect of your business so you know what to improve. Plainly put, you can now know how your customers feel about every part of your company or product. All the time.

JD Graffam Owner
JD Graffam is a speaker, writer, and recognized customer experience expert. JD runs Graffam Cos., which are eight design and technology companies focused on making digital things easier for people to use.

Calvin Morris Product Manager
Calvin writes some words and some codes for all of the digital products under the Graffam Cos umbrella. Sometimes, if called upon, he'll even fire up Sketch and push some pixels around.
The Graffam Cos. include:
Simple Focus
a user experience brand development agency
Clear Function
software development firm for valuable digital products
bug and issue tracking software for nimble teams
software to manage your business cash flow
software for online invoicing, estimates and time tracking
software for creating newsletters and growing your audience
software to measure and improve customer satisfaction